If your captain is sending you an invitation to become a part of the team and you're not receiving it, you may be having issues related to SPAM controls on your email account inhibiting you from receiving the invitation. If your captain is sending the invitation to your work account, the only way to get the invitation through is to have the captain send the invitation to their own email account and forward it to you. Another option is to have the captain send the invitation to a personal email account. If you are using a personal email account and you are still not receiving the invitation, it may be filtering to your junk folder. If possible, we recommend putting the following emails for your specific region on safe sender lists:
If you are having trouble accepting your invitation, please have the captain send a copy of the invitation to their own email account. They can then test the URL themselves to see if it works. If the URL is successful, they can forward that invitation to you for you to accept. If not, please contact JAM and we can help you get on the team.