Picking Up Equipment
There are several ways you can pick up your equipment for your upcoming season.
1. Our Office: We are located at 245 Eglinton Ave E, Suite 420, and are open from 10 am to 5 pm, Monday to Thursday. Please give us a heads up by email at toronto@jamsports.com or call us at 416-781-4263 so we can be sure to have your equipment ready for you!
2. Awards Night: After each season, we host an Awards Night, celebrating the past season. If you would like to drop off or pick up any equipment, please email equipment@jamsports.com so we know to bring your equipment with us. Awards Night details, such as date and time can be found here.
3. Downtown Equipment Night: Before each season, we host a Downtown Equipment Pick Up Night. The date, time, and location will be posted on this page prior to the season start date. Be sure to look out for the JAM van and staff in the parking lot in front of the venue if you go. Please email equipment@jamsports.com to reserve any equipment you would like to pick up or drop off. If you don't email us, we may have extras with us, but please e-mail us to be safe!
4. After Hours Pick-Up: We may have an after-hours pick-up option at our office between 5 pm-6 pm. Please email equipment@jamsports.com to discuss possible dates for this.
Paying for your Equipment Deposit
If you missed paying the equipment deposit when you registered, the deposit can be paid by calling the office (416-781-4263) or when you arrive at the office by Visa, Mastercard, or Amex.
To see what equipment is required for your sport, please go here.