If you don't want to be the team captain for your individual team, no problem! You can either go to your first game and talk to your teammates to see if anyone else would want to be captain, then change the captaincy to that person (by clicking on the C beside the person's name on your online roster) or if you would like us to assign it to someone else, please reach out to us at toronto@jamsports.com.
If you are looking to add some subs to your team because your indy team is short players for a specific game and you know some people that can sub in for you, you won't be able to add them on your own, even as a team captain. Please reach out to us with their name and e-mail address readily available to you, and we can send them an invitation to join your team roster as a sub.
As a member of an individual team, everyone can post sub-requests and submit scores, in the event that the team captain is not present for a game.
Please try to help each other out with the responsibilities when you are on an individual team!